Σάββατο 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

e-Book (Innovative Mini Executive MBA)

e-Book (Innovative Mini Executive MBA)
The Road Map to Successful Management
From motivating a team and developing star talent to controlling budgets and fostering innovation, this hand book of “The Road Map to Successful Management” is your authoritative guide to becoming an effective Executive Manager.
Full of practical tips and advice, case studies, excellent power-point presentation, this definitive e-book offers solutions to the everyday challenges of:
·         Management
·         Strategic Management
·         Performance Management
·         Strategic Choice and Analysis
·         Accounting for Managers
·         Financial Management
·         Budget & Budgetary Control Process
Price is only 49 euro.

You can send an email – chioanou@cytanet.com.cy – for any further information 

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